Idaho Fish Report
Yakima River fall salmon fishery to open

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Opens the lower Yakima River to fishing for salmon.
Effective date: Friday, Sept. 24 through Sunday, Oct. 17, 2021.
Species affected: Chinook and coho salmon.
Location: From the Hwy. 240 bridge in Richland (river mile 2.1) to the Grant Avenue Bridge in Prosser (river mile 47.0).
Rule: Min. size 12”. Daily limit of two adults. No limit on jacks. Release all salmon other than Chinook and coho. Night closure in effect. Barbless hooks required.
Reason for action: Current fish passage through the Prosser Diversion indicates that fall Chinook and coho are expected to return in sufficient numbers to provide sport fishing opportunity for anglers in the lower Yakima River.
Additional information: Anglers must stop fishing for salmon once they have retained their adult daily limit. Adult coho are any coho over 20” and adult Chinook are any Chinook over 24”.
Fishing remains closed from 200' downstream of the USBR Chandler Powerhouse to 200' upstream of the USBR Chandler Powerhouse.
Fishery managers will continue to monitor the return and announce any additional changes to the fishery if necessary. Before heading out, anglers should visit to check for any in-season rule changes.
Information contact: Paul Hoffarth, District 4 fish biologist, 509-545-2284.