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Idaho Fish Report

The boat ramp is usable and anglers are taking advantage of it

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The boat ramp is just usable and anglers are taking advantage of it. Recent reports indicate there are still some holdover trout being caught from last year’s fish stockings. With lots of rain in the forecast the boat ramp should remain usable in the near future.

Call 541-837-3302 for information on camping and boat launching conditions. Check out the Lake Level Gage for more information. If the gage is under 1820 feet anglers should be cautioned the lake may be too low to launch a boat.

In Galesville Reservoir, all landlocked salmon are considered trout and are part of the five-per-day trout limit, with only one trout over 20 inches long allowed for harvest. If you catch any salmon in Galesville please e-mail a picture to Greg.f.Huchko@odfw.state.gov.

The 2022 Ocean Salmon Industry Group meeting (OSIG) is scheduled for this coming Monday, February 28, 2022. This pre-season planning...... Read More