Idaho Fish Report
2022 Recreational Pacific Halibut Seasons Finalized

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission finalized the 2022 recreational Pacific halibut seasons this afternoon, adopting the staff recommended season dates. The season map with details can be found HERE. Details by subarea are also below:
Columbia River Subarea (Leadbetter Point, WA to Cape Falcon, OR)
All-Depth Season: Quota = 18,537 lbs.
- Open Thurs and Sun May 5-26
- Then open every Thurs and Sun beginning June 2, through earlier of the quota being caught or June 30.
Nearshore Season: Quota = 500 lbs.
- Open Mon through Wed inside the 40-fathom regulatory line beginning May 9, through the earlier of the quota being caught or Sept. 30
Central Oregon Coast Subarea (Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain)
Spring All-Depth Season: Quota = 169,963 lbs.
- Opens Thurs, May 12 through Thurs, June 30, 7-days per week.
- Available back-up dates, if quota remaining are: July 7-9 and July 21-23
Summer All-Depth Season: Quota = 67,445 lbs.
- Open Thurs – Sat, Aug 4-6; then every other Thurs-Sat, until Oct 31 or the quota is caught
Nearshore Season: Quota = 32,374 lbs.
- Opens May 1, 7 days per week, inside the 40-fathom regulatory line, through the earlier of the quota being caught or Oct. 31.
Southern Oregon Subarea (Humbug Mountain to the OR/CA Border)
- Quota = 8,000 lbs.
- Opens May 1, 7 days per week, through the earlier of the quota being caught or Oct. 31.
Reminder: Immediately tag you halibut on your paper or electronic tag. This means before starting to fish again and definitely before you are headed back to the dock. Tips for tagging fish and game can be found at:
Additional information on the recreational Pacific halibut fishery can be found on ODFW’s recreational halibut webpage.