Idaho Fish Report

Hatches are starting with salmonflies and large mayfly specie

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Water temperatures remain cold and the river is turbid due to rain and snowmelt in Annie and Sun Creeks. Fishing is slow but should improve with increase in water temperature. Best fishing is below Weed Road. Brown trout typically feed on organisms on the bottom of the river this time of year. These include sculpin, earthworms, crayfish and stoneflies. Patterns or lures that match these will be more successful.

Hatches are starting with salmonflies and large mayfly species attracting fish to the surface. The pale morning duns are also starting to hatch. Match the hatch dry fly fishing will be good this month.

Please handle redband trout carefully and be on the lookout for bull trout. Report any you capture to ODFW in Klamath Falls. 

The boundary of the Wood River is outside the narrow riverine channels surrounded by vegetation. This is almost a mile below the Wood River BLM Wetland Bridge. The Wood River includes the Petric Canal that is on the north side of the Wood River Wetlands so please follow the Wood River fishing regulations for this area.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, June 15th, 2022
Imnaha River: Imnaha opens for spring Chinook June 25; first season since 2016
Wallowa River: Wallowa River open for spring Chinook June 25; first season since 2016
Imnaha River: Recent rains and melting snow, flows currently are fairly high
Lookingglass Creek: Opened to angling for hatchery spring Chinook salmon
Wallowa River: Wallowa River will open for hatchery spring Chinook fishing on June 25
Hood River: The Hood River has been high and muddy this week
Blue River: Will be stocked early this week
Blue River Reservoir: Was last stocked the week of May 31
Clackamas River: Lower Clackamas River Fishery Summaries
Coast Fork Willamette River: Will be stocked this week
Leaburg Lake: Will be stocked this week
McKenzie River: Increase in flow and drop in temperature the fish have not been moving as much
Middle Fork of the Williamette: Reports of a few fish being caught below Dexter Dam
Santiam River ( North Fork) : River is currently running unseasonably high for this time of year
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: The river is very high at the moment
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 10,000 cfs
Siletz River: Summer steelhead fishing should continue to improve through June
Tillamook Bay: There are still fish available in both the upper and lower bay
Trask River: Flows are up again and the river is floatable
Wilson River: Summer steelhead should be throughout the fishery
Coos River: Anglers are still catching decent numbers of rockfish around the jetties
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is getting a bonus 500 pounder trout this week
Lemolo Lake: The KOA resort is open
Bottom fishing is now open to all depths through June 30
North Umpqua River: Anglers are doing well on spring Chinook

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