Idaho Fish Report
ODFW Recreation Report

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Western buck deer opens Oct. 7
Here are a few tips to help you get ready for opening weekend.
- Buy your tag. Time's running out. You have until FRIDAY, Oct. 6 to buy your tag.
- Speaking of lists, look over the Hunters checklist to make sure you've got everything you need for a successful hunt.
- Do a little "scouting" in the Big game hunting forecast and Recreation Report to find a great place to hunt.
- If you're e-tagging, download the latest version of the MyODFW app from Google Play or the Apple App store. Here are more e-tagging tips.
Best bets for weekend fishing
Salmon and trout top the list of this weekend's best bets. Here are just a few suggestions.
- Recent rains have pushed Chinook and coho into lower coastal rivers.
- The best Chinook fishing in the Coos Basin has been in the Coos River, upper Isthmus Slough, Millicoma River, and South Fork Coos River.
- October is the time for trout anglers to hit lakes and reservoirs in the Rogue watershed. Howard Prairie, Hyatt, Fish Lake are all good bets. Lost Creek Reservoir offers good trout fishing through the fall and winter seasons.
- In the Cascade hike-in lake, fish will be feeding heavily in preparation for winter. Expect good fishing until snow limits access.
- For the next few weeks, coho fishing looks very promising on the North Fork Santiam.
- Fly-anglers report excellent autumn fishing in the Fall River.
- Salmon fishing in the lower Deschutes remains good, with quite a few coho in the catch.
- Wood River and North Fork Sprague will only get better as big brown trout move to spawning areas.
- Trout fishing should be good at Campbell and Deadhorse lakes, which are now accessible and recently stocked.
- With recent cool and wet weather, steelhead have begun moving into the lower John Day River.
This is just a partial list. Check the zone reports for even more options.
CWD check stations, other ways to get your animal tested
ODFW continues to monitor hunter harvested deer and elk for CWD – a fatal, highly infectious disease. What can hunters do to help combat CWD?
- If you pass a CWD check station, stop and have your animal tested. It takes only 10 minutes and is legally required.
- If you don't find a check station, learn the other ways you can have your animal tested.
Find out more about CWD, check station locations and the ways to have your animal tested.
Beach visitors, including dogs: Avoid sea lions on the beach
Each fall, some California sea lions die of leptospirosis on Oregon beaches. If you see a dead or injured sea lion or other marine mammal, keep your distance and report it to the Oregon State Police at 1-800-452-7888. Learn more.