Idaho Fish Report
Early winter steelhead may start showing up with the rains this week
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Chinook fishing is pretty much at an end, although a few might be encountered in the mainstem. Early winter steelhead may start showing up with the rains this week.
Anglers that catch a hatchery steelhead are encouraged to donate the snout in collection barrels at Scott Creek, Sawyer's Public, Elkton, Osprey, and James Woods boat launches or the ODFW office in Roseburg. These snouts may contain a coded-wire tag that will help inform managers on the best release strategy to improve the program. Those who contribute snouts with coded-wire tags are entered into a monthly drawing for a gift card to Sportsman's Warehouse.
Remember, only 1 wild Chinook and 5 per season can be kept in aggregate between the Umpqua, Smith and North Fork Smith.
There is NO HARVEST OF WILD COHO in the mainstem Umpqua this year. Anglers have been catching and releasing many wild coho.