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Idaho Fish Report

ODFW Staff Recommendations for 2022 Recreational Halibut Seasons Available

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

ODFW staff recommendations for 2022 recreational Pacific halibut season dates

Thank you to everyone who provide input via the online public meeting, online survey, phone calls, and e-mails.  ODFW staff have used that input to develop our staff recommendations for the 2022 recreational Pacific halibut seasons, outlined below.  Reminder, season dates are not final until the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopts them at their April 22 meeting.

The information below summarized in the 2022 Recreational Halibut Season Map 

Columbia River Subarea


  • Quota = 18,537 pounds
  • Open Thursdays and Sundays beginning May 5 through May 26.  If quota remains can be open every Thursday and Sunday through the earlier of the quota getting caught or June 30.
  • May Open Dates:  Thurs, May 5; Sun, May 8; Thurs, May 12; Sun, May 15; Thurs, May 19; Sun, May 22; Thurs, May 26


  • Quota = 500 pounds
  • Open Mondays through Wednesdays inside the 40-fathom regulatory line off Oregon beginning May 9, through the earlier of the quota getting caught or Sept. 30.

Central Oregon Coast Subarea

Spring All-Depth Season

  • Quota = 169,963 pounds
  • Fixed dates: May 12 through June 30, seven days per week
  • Back-up dates available (if quota remaining): July 7-9 & July 21-23

Summer All-Depth Season

  • Quota = 67,445 pounds
  • Opens Aug 4-6, then every other Thurs-Sat through the earlier of the quota getting caught, or Oct 31, whichever is earlier
  • Additional days per week and/or weeks may be added inseason depending on how much quota is available


  • Quota = 32,374 pounds
  • Opens May 1, seven days per week, inside the 40-fathom regulatory line, through the earlier of the quota getting caught, or Oct. 31

Southern Oregon Subarea

  • Quota = 8,000 pounds
  • Opens May 1, seven days per week through the earlier of the quota getting caught, or Oct. 31


For more info on tagging salmon and halibut, see:



For additional information see the ODFW recreational halibut webpage:  https://myodfw.com/pacific-halibut-sport-regulations

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, February 10th, 2022
Chewaucan River: A large portion of the river will be covered in ice during the winter
Phillips Reservoir: Ice continues to accumulate on Phillips near the Mason Dam boat ramp
Pilcher Reservoir: Pilcher Reservoir currently is frozen over
Wolf Creek Reservoir: Ice conditions are good
Agate Lake: Agate Lake has been filling rapidly with diversions from Little Butte Creek
Applegate Reservoir: Applegate Reservoir Fishing Report
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Stocked Last Week
Coos River: Steelhead fishing has been slow but anglers are still catching a few
Coquille River: Coquille River Report
Diamond Lake: Anglers seem to be doing okay from the recent reports
Emigrant Reservoir: The reservoir is currently at 7 percent
Expo Pond: Fishing should be fair and may improve slightly with the warming this week
Fish Lake : Anglers were still catching fish through the ice this past weekend
Galesville Reservoir: Without any recent rain the reservoir is dropping again
Howard Prairie Reservoir: There is some open water, but access is limited
Hyatt Lake: Ice depths are unknown and ice fishing is not recommended
Illinois River: With water levels continuing to drop and water gin clear, smaller presentations are best to fish
Lake Selmac: Lake Selmac Fishing Report
Lost Creek Lake: Trout fishing should be good
Medco Pond: Fishing should be slow
Rogue River- Upper: The summer Steelhead run is about over
Tenmile Lakes: Fishing for steelhead in Tenmile Creek has slowed down
Umpqua River: Steelhead fishing has slowed as the river has gotten low and clear
Kilchis River: The Kilchis River is very low and clear
Necanicum River: The hatchery winter steelhead run on the Necanicum River is winding down
Nehalem River: The Nehalem remains in good shape for the third week in a row
Nehalem River- North Fork: The North Fork Nehalem is very low and clear
Nestucca River: This will be one on the best bets for hatchery winter steelhead for the remainder of the season
Three Rivers: Three Rivers is very low and clear
Wilson River: The Wilson River has a wild broodstock hatchery run
Clackamas River: Fishing effort has decreased over the last couple weeks, as the river has been on the drop
Detroit Reservoir: Currently the reservoir water level is about 20 feet above the bottom of Mongold boat ramp
Eagle Creek: Currently this system is low and clear
EE Wilson Angling Pond: Will Be Stocked This Week
Green Peter Reservoir: The water level has been slowly rising of late
Quartzville Creek: The river is currently running high at around 530 cfs
Sandy River: nglers have been catching a steady number of fish, when conditions allow
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Trout season has ended for the year and will start back up again on May 22
Timber Linn Lake: Will be stocked this week
Waverly Lake: Will Be Stocked This Week
Grande Ronde River: Flows in the Grande Ronde River again have remained consistent
Imnaha River: Anglers have reported catching some steelhead in the Imnaha River
Umatilla River: There have been a total of 895 steelhead counted at TMFD up to date for the this run year
Wallowa River: Some steelhead anglers have been successful this winter on the Wallowa River