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Idaho Fish Report

Steelhead fishing has slowed as the river has gotten low and clear

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Steelhead fishing has slowed as the river has gotten low and clear. With no rain in the forecast steelhead are likely not as interested in biting. Anglers may want to try a few different methods to see if something different might entice the fish.

Spring Chinook should be in the river, but with low conditions they may not have been moving. With recent rain, Chinook may push up more into the higher reaches and may be more inclined to bit.

Remember now wild harvest of Chinook is allowed from now until July 1 on the mainstem due to a low forecasted return.

Anglers who catch a hatchery winter steelhead are asked to turn in the snouts at one of the collection barrels. Those whose snout contains a tag are entered into a monthly raffle for a $50 gift certificate to Sportsman’s Warehouse!

Trout fishing is closed in the mainstem and tributaries.