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Idaho Fish Report

Chetco Updates

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Lower flows and warmer water conditions in the mainstem of the Chetco have pretty much ended trout fishing on the mainstem Chetco. Anglers willing to explore some of the larger tributaries of the Chetco are finding some 12- to 14-inch cutthroat. Early morning is the best time to target these fish as the water temperatures are the coolest and the cutthroat are more active.‌

The regulations for the salmon in the Chetco River and mainstem until Sept. 1 are zone regulations. Starting Sept.1, the wild Chinook bag limit is reduced to 1 adult per day and 5 for the period. Anglers should always check for updated regulations prior to fishing.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, July 24th, 2024
Morgan Lake: Great nearby fishing opportunity
Bikini Pond: Bikini Pond Updates
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Good Trout Fishing at Crane Prairie
Crescent Lake: Good Trout Fishing on Crescent
Hood River: Hood River Updates
Hosmer Lake: Trout Fishing at Hosmer
Laurance Lake: New Regulations at Laurance
Ochoco Reservoir: Anglers Report Good Fishing
Pine Hollow Reservoir: Algae and Slow Fishing
Prinevile Reservoir: Fair Fishing
Taylor Lake: No recent reports
Three Creek Lake: Good Fishing at Three Creek Lake
Wickiup Reservoir: Fish Spread out at Wickiup
Detroit Reservoir: Detroit Reservoir Updates
Quartzville Creek: Quartzville Creek Updates
Santiam River ( North Fork) : SANTIAM RIVER (NORTH FORK) Updates
Santiam River (South Fork): Flows in Great Shape
Nehalem River: Summer Chinook Starting to Show Up
Nestucca River: Nestucca River Updates
Tillamook Bay: Fishing is Winding Down
Trask River: Fishing Slow Overall at Trask River
Wilson River: Wilson River Updates
Beulah Reservoir: Nice Trout in Beulah
Blitzen River: Blitzen River Updates
Burns Pond: Trout Still Available
Bully Creek Reservoir: Crappie Fishing is Predicted to Get Even Better
Delintment Lake: Updates about Fall Fire at Delintment
Fish Lake : Fishing has been fair
Malheur Reservoir: Evacuation Order Because of Fires
Owyhee Reservoir: Owyhee Reservoir Updates
Owyhee River: Fishing Should be Great
Pole Creek Reservoir: Area Under Evacuation Due to Fires
Warm Springs Reservoir: Warm Springs Updates
Applegate Reservoir: Applegate Updates
Emigrant Reservoir: Good Catches at Emigrant
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie Updates
Lost Creek Lake: Lost Creek Updates
Rogue River - Middle: Rogue River (Middle) Updates
Rogue River- Upper: Rogue River (Upper) Updates
Sixes River: Sixes River Updates
Sunnyside Park Pond: Sunnyside Park Pond Report

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